Where to start, and this is only what readily comes to mind at the end of this week :
Bulgaria, I am told by a Bulgarian,, has recently had two earthquakes not far from the capital, Sofia. they were about 5.6 and 4.5 on the Richter scale;
Bulgaria, a bus with Israeli holidaymakers is sabotaged by a bomber, people are dead and severely injured.
Syria; what is looking more and more like civil war, continues to wage, killing and maiming many innocent people in its train.
Afghanistan is still unsettled and people are hurt and people die.
Aurora, Colorado, USA. A Gunman fires a gun at people in a cinema at a late night film show. Twelve people are said to be dead.
A father and his three children are found dead in a wood in Southern England. No one else is being sought for the deaths.
An Avalanche on Mont Blanc took the lives of nine people last week, fourteen others were injured at the time Another two deaths are reported this week on the France-Italy Border of the mountain.
The recession continues to make headlines in particular, how it affects European nations and what it means in terms of austerity here at home in the U.K. The Chinese and American economies come in for some scrutiny too.
A Metropolitan policeman caught on video assaulting a newspaper seller on his way home, (who was not in, and had not been in the midst of a demonstration nearby) who collapsed and died close to the site of the assault, is found not guilty of killing the man. Information indicating nine previous complaints about the police officer's behaviour, was not offered to the Court by the employing police authority.
The security of the Olympic games venues in Britain has been creating headlines because the contracted out services could not be achieved by the company, G4S, holding the contract. The Armed Services and Police will fill the breach. In Scotland, the police will take the lead role in providing security at the Football venues.
Trains In The Central Belt of Scotland are derailed through the affects of excessive rain. Passengers and staff are okay.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of recent news, it is, however, a lot to absorb.
Just marking time
2 days ago
Thank you for the recap including the U.S. news. I didn't know that.
Rain and train are connected. I feel sorry for commuters, but it's best to stay home on rainy days.
Sadly in the media world bad news is nearly always 'good' news which is why it generally outweighs any genuine good news. Flighty xx
Hi Keiko,
Thanks for your comment. Many commuters rely on trains as their only mode of transport to their places of work. Not going to work on rainy days is not an option in the U.K. This year there has been rather a lot of rain.
It is surprising what media in different continents advises its audience.
Hello Mr F,
what you say is perfectly true; it is a pity that there has to be so much bad news around, exclusive enough for the media to feed on.
Japanese reporters say often, "Do not forget umbrella," or "It might get chilly, so you need a light jacket," or "The temperature goes up and down, so you might catch a cold, so take care of your health," and so on. Sometimes, they tell more such as what to drink or take a bath and go to sleep early. If you learn Japanese and start to understand what people are saying, they might drive you crazy!? smiles.
That is so fascinating Keiko, the Japanese media constantly telling you how to take care of yourself, their way! Can you change programmes to avoid overload of it?
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