There is a scroll of blogs I follow on my dashboard page. As I scrolled down the posts today to see what was new on the block, I did a double take. Why would my own posts be there? I clicked on the post, there was no mistaking it, it was a post on my blog. How on earth did I end up following myself!
The aberration has now been rectified. I am, though, still shaking my head in disbelief. How did I do
What's known as a senior moment, perhaps. ZACL ;)
Cheers, Jennyta!
ShimonZ has left a new comment on your post "FOLLOWING MYSELF - HOW?":
It is amazing, the sort of mistakes we can make on the computer. We marvel that everything is so much easier… but in fact, mistakes are easier too, and the mistake I most often hear about, is erasing something rather important. Better to have marked your own article as a reference, than having erased something important that you wanted to share with others. Thank you, Menhir, for making the comments available to me again.
Ooops lol you accidentally clicked the wrong button ?
It is a sign ... an omen ... telling you to follow yourself :)
That's just the sort of thing that I'd do then wonder what was going on! Flighty xx
Mira, you have presented me with a conundrum, when I already have one!
If I could find an icon with a pressure cooker fizzing, and be able to upload it, this is when and where I would use it.
This connection is not anonymous, just your It's daft isn't it, because it is generated by a blogger from blogger site blog. Unless... (moment's inspiration here), you've set yourself to be anonymous, or, you haven't unanonimised your comment. Right that's enough for the brain cells to cogitate on for now on this subject
Oh Mr F,
You provide relief and some clarity in a foggy outlook.
It tests out the system, if nothing else.
Lol, this made me laugh. I didn't know you could follow yourself!
I do the weirdest things all the time on the computer, often I have no clue how I do what I do! xxxxx
Hi Snowbird,
You didn't know oneself could follow ones own blog... well, as you know, neither did I. Now I do know it, and so do you. I'm none the wiser for it.
I was messing about with some connections to other lines of communications, not sure what the jargon meant. When in doubt, click it and see, or not see, as the case may be. It could have happened then, I suppose.
That's easy. Just a click. I must have done it also because I'm following myself, too. But it's easier to leave it the way it is than fixing it. If I try fixing it, I might delete others?! If not broken, do not fix it is my philosophy.
I have been in illustrious company Keiko. I have un-followed myself with no difficulties ensuing it. It was odd though, seeing my posts announced to me.
I have been in illustrious company Keiko. I have un-followed myself with no difficulties ensuing it. It was odd though, seeing my posts announced to me.
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