Just in case I have been too optimistic about today's muddle, I am posting while the opportunity presents itself.
If I meet up ever again with another 'give a profile' to a comment, with no options on offer, I shall back step out of it. I ended up with a blank sheet of questions requiring to be filled in. Current ones, (by then probably 'ex' ) not being acceptable. There was no mailing feature to be seen. A tremendous amount of time has been used to try and sort out the consequences of doing something I was unfamiliar with. Has anyone else been faced with this?
The questions that are asked to restore an account are amazing. Just in case you are faced with this experience; you should have a record of;
When you opened the gmail account/s, dates etc.
Other facilities you use with the account/s and the dates they were installed,
5 contact emails.
4 labels,
Security data.
I might have forgotten something, but you get the gist.
How absolutely infuriating. So pleased however that you are still visible. I have closed my gmail account because it gave me so many problems and seemed to link with so many networks which I knew nothing about.
Hope you will get the rest sorted soon and that your blogging will become trouble-free.
I tried to swap one of my mobile phone numbers from O2 to Orange recently and because I couldn't tell them when and where I had last topped up (I use it very rarely), they refused to do it. Glad you're managing to restore everything now, anyway.
Hi GillyK,
There are a lot of networks you are offered on Gmail in addition to Blogger. I ignore them until such time as I am educated about them. Then, and only then, could I make an informed decision. It has not happened yet!
A similar issue faced me with WordPress, networks and connections I had never seen anywhere else.
I think I am back in my comfort zone now.
Who on earth keeps a note of a sim card top up - I don't. Like you my 02 phone is rarely used. I usually top it up via the phone and tend to keep messages for ages, at least anyway, till I see the debit/credit card deduction on my statement.
Now I know about this, Jennyta, I shall check before I try re-arranging rarely used phones.
I thought remembering all the security details was bad enough; here's an extra layer!
I suppose it tells you the way ahead is either to keep the cerebral stuff sharp to handle it all, :) or, allow yourself to slowly move into a regular fug of senior moments. :(
What an absolute pain! I can understand you being frustrated, I wouldn't have had a clue where to start in terms of fixing it all!
Soooooooo glad you are sorted, hopefully it will be plain sailing from now on.xxxxx
sometimes we get ‘logged out’, and have to log in again. It can happen when the computer was shut down in an uncommon manner… like by an electricity failure, or a virus entering your computer. The blog, or google is trying to protect you from someone else who might be trying to hack your site. But at the same time, it is interesting… sometimes fascinating, to visit your own home base as a stranger.
Hi Plantpot,
Plain sailing is what I hope for too.
Hello Shimonz,
You're on the ball when it comes to possible reasons for a computer lock out, though, if it had been one of those issues, I might have worried less. I would have still had the performance of getting my mail reinstated.
In hindsight, viewing my own blog could have been interesting if I had been in a less aggravated frame of mind. There's a comfort in having access to your own house.
Thanks for your interesting comment.
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