Sunday, December 13, 2009


Whatever Tiger Woods is perceived to have done, there are men who would envy his stardom and what it enables him to do. I do not subscribe to this chauvinstic viewpoint. Whatever your moral stance on others' behaviours, there are some very important things that the golf fraternity, big business and media moralisers should take account of.

Tiger Woods has put golf on a different footing in the world sports sphere. Even if you are not particularly interested in the game, it cannot be easily denied that Woods has brought a fizz and some glamour to golf that did not previously exist. The guys that are making money denouncing him, are the very people who have earned large sums of money from his existence. They are the ones stirring up the public, it will be short-lived financial gain. They will undoubtedly miss Tiger Woods and the steady stream of income they derived out of his existence on the golf circuit.


TG said...

Very well written. I must say those people who claim a moral high ground now are pathetic. It's easy to point fingers, but nobody's perfect. He didn't commit a crime. He's such an exceptional sportsman, that this makes him look human again. I think he'll just go away for a while and then come back after the dust settles. I'd do the same. I think all this was blown out of proportion, but hey, it's America. They build you up to tear you down. I don't really agree with what he's done, but I don't bother a thing. It's his life and I don't need his mishaps to vent and lecture others what's moral.

ZACL said...


I agree with what you say. A number of the moralisers will be hiding their own human weaknesses anonymously behind the monolith of the corporations they work for. It is safe to throw out brick bats when you are under cover and well protected from the public, just to keep the company name squeaky clean, of course.

As you say, Woods has not committed any major crime, other than show his weakness.

On a personal level, I sympathise with the family and hope they all come out of this crisis, stronger.

zewt said...

not too long ago, in this part of the world, a celebrity in HK did quite the same thing. he even had his conquest photographed and video-ed...

and when he arrived in malaysia recently... all the girls still screamed his name.

ZACL said...

This type of idolisation is developed by the publicity gurus and taken up by the media, particularly if it is someone with charisma. Living up to the demands of such inhuman perfection is pretty much impossible and leads to all sort of physical and emotional problems.

Falling from such a high pedestal may be a therapeutic event in the long term.

TG said...

@Zewt: Edison Chen was in Malaysia?

ZACL said...


Zewt said this person was in Malaysia.

I think the same elements of grooming by publicists, for media production and public consumption, apply just about everywhere where such phenomena exist.

TG said...

I think he most likely meant the actor from HK (Hong Kong) Edison Chen, because he's most known for such a scandal, you can read about it here. :)

ZACL said...

The world has many such 'imperfect' people, the majority are not in the public eye.
