Friday, November 12, 2010


Good grief! This lassie must work with elephants, cows and horses. Rough dry palms, very work-like and no finesse, cleansed the skin. Next, probes were dug painfully and deeply into the skin and any muscles below it. 

...Remember, to use the probes to pinch the skin, then pull, stretch and hold...... a nice slow steady movement... 

More heavy prodding and painful digging continued. Nice, it was definitely, NOT. I was tensing, taking deep and noisy intakes of breath, (more like theatrical hissing, in truth) at even coarser moments in the process. 

How are you managing here, where are you up to?.... 

Before I could try to mutter anything, given that a probe was pulling at my jaw and the other was at my mouth, the speaker, a trainer, had disappeared, throwing out a... very good... behind her. 

At first, I charitably rationalised that I was giving the student her first experience of this therapy; it was no good though. I tried praise when a movement was better, it did not change anything, those nicer movements were rare and stayed that way. :**: 

It was meant to be a pleasant beauty therapy experience. I am sure the elephants, cows and horses would love it. It occurs to me the student may find a future niche in thick-skinned animal beauty, massage and grooming.


Anonymous said...

so that's beauty therapy, is it?

i'm grateful to be a mere man as it sounds rather more like some form of medieval torture.

ZACL said...

It felt like a prelude to what you suggest Ax. ugh!

Anonymous said...

i can only hope that the end results fully justified the painful means?

ZACL said...

I unkindly, and sincerely hope, Ax, that the student in question (who is questionable) does not pass this course without a lot more input, guidance and practice.