Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Whahey!!! sharp-eyed sister-in-law has worked out what I was growing  from seed in the fish-box, which has been turned into my cold-frame - see here  There were faded letters on the white plastic name sticks which I had not noticed.  I now know for certain I have radishes, there's more lettuce, over and above that which I planted outside the cold-frame.  The thin green spindly things that sprouted out in a loop, then straightened up, (after a fashion) have been put out to grow as I think they are spring onions.  S-I-L agrees with me about them.  That leaves me with at least four cucumber plants not yet ready to pot on.  When they are, they will live under the polythene cover of the frame. 

However, not all is resolved; I pricked out some slim pointed leaves into larger pots to give them more space to develop.  I have absolutely no idea what they will become.  Back to the drawing board then - check in the box in which the packets of seeds were and with any luck, (fingers crossed) I might find a part packet of seed with a name on it.  I cannot remember if I decided to try growing the beetroot. If I did, they should be yellow ones. 


keiko amano said...


Your garden is beautiful! That motivates me to grow something this year. I didn't know yellow beets. I thought they are always red.

Anonymous said...

With a little luck, you will eventually know what each is as they mature. I hope you'll be able to enjoy them all.

Snowbird said...

Ooooops.....I meant to tell you which seedlings were what. I'm glad you know the chunky large ones are the cucumber, I think the tallish ones may be rocket.xxxx

ZACL said...

You and me both, Keiko, I had no idea about other colours in beetroot either. It should be exciting to see the result of the plants, if there is one!

ZACL said...

You make an important point Shimon. Whatever emanates, will do so at the behest of Mother Nature. Lettuce leaves may be a bit late, (everything is this year) but they will be usable. As for anything else, we'll have to wait and see.

ZACL said...

Och, I shall have to research the tallish ones, in view of what you say Snowbird. If they are going to be rocket leaves, I shall be delighted. What an interesting growing season, (however long it will be)this is turning into. :)

Anonymous said...

What a fun way to do gardening - 'guess the plant'. I think this should be put forward for a competition. The prize could be a yellow beetroot, which sounds most interesting.

ZACL said...

There you are then, GillyK, an activity to propose at the next meeting of the support group!


Anonymous said...

I grow golden beetroot, which tends to be a erratic germinating compared to the red varieties.
Good luck with the cucumbers. Flighty xx

Anonymous said...

I grow golden beetroot, which tends to be a erratic germinating compared to the red varieties.
Good luck with the cucumbers. Flighty xx

ZACL said...

Hi Mr F,

I have leaves, so if they are cucumbers, and I have every reason to believe they are, it can be said that they have, at the very least, germinated.

We'll see what happens to all the growth; plant life is well behind, even for us, this year and there's no knowing if there will be sufficient warmth for long enough to fulfill growth potential.