You don't expect to end up speaking French, a bit of German and Spanish, do you, to a Canadian visitor in the washroom. But there you go, that's what happened... Scout motto 'Be Prepared'!
Hasta La Vista!
On the 17th July, nearly all my Livingston Daisies were wide open to the bright skies. It is the very first time this summer season I have seen them openly smiling. It was one of our rare bright and mild days and that's what probably clinched it for them. They knew it was safe to open up.
The County Agricultural show ground had been approved for use for Saturday 18th July, it was already sodden under neath a thin top crust... Most days in the week it had rained and sometimes it was torrential. There was nowhere else that all the booked visiting traders, large agricultural machinery salespeople, woodland model makers, (very large models), the wood pulping, cutting, pellet-making machine demonstrations and other similar demonstrators could be catered for. As we drove towards the show, we passed a lot of animal show traffic going the opposite way and earlier than usual. It was telling us something.
What a squidging, squelching, claggy mire confronted us. Wellies, knee high ones, were definitely the order of the day. Footwear departments and shoe shops sold out of their rubber boots stocks, which tells you how prepared show visitors had to be. In an instant my old boots were gunged up with mud that you sank in. It was hippopotamus heaven.
You had to be made of stern stuff to squelch through this. It got tiring lifting feet held firmly by waves of mud. You could feel the pull on the boots. This was no place for any kind of shoes.
A specialist mobile coffee seller goes to the shows: paying to go in to the ground just to have a wonderful cup of coffee is saying a lot, but it was soooo good. However, it was such hard going underfoot, very tiring pulling up feet and legs out of the sucking mire, you just could not move at any speed. When I eventually returned to the coffee van for another cuppa, it was shutting up shop....Shame, but that’s life.
This picture was taken a couple of years ago on a perfect show day. We do get them sometimes. :)
All the pictures can be enlarged with a click or two.
Your claggy mire is worthy of the trench warfare in WWI.
Which reminds me to publicize a recently-completed online facsimile of my great-aunt’s Scrapbook of same. See this page for boots sucked off soldiers’ feet and lost in the mud.
I like the Livingston Daisies. I've been to a few shows like that over the years, and I always think that it's such a shame for all concerned when it's as bad as that. Flighty xx
Hi Vincent,
Your comment was thought provoking. We do take these temporary inconveniences in our stride and joke about them. But yes, living, fighting and dying in such vile conditions as happens in war time takes acts of self-denial, unimaginable tenacity and courage.
I would have been interested in looking, however, your link to your great-aunt's scrapbook didn't show up.
Thanks for your interesting comment.
The daisies are great when they open up and glow like they did for the photo. They have been a rooted weather vane this year.
The show-goers and the attendees are all having a hard time this year wherever the shows are based in Scotland. The best one was probably the Royal Highland in Edinburgh, I did not visit it.
To replace to, here is my new blog:
Have a good week end
Thank you Zalandeau.
A second comment showed up with the link to your Gt Aunt's notes. Loved the sepia presentation and the diary notes, She was a lovely-looking lady.
Yes, the comment about mud sucking boots was and is fascinating. Those poor, poor, foot soldiers. Ghastly experiences. War always throws up terrible conditions.
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