Wednesday, July 01, 2015


Yay! We’ve had our first two half days of real warm summery weather. Yesterday the temperatures rose from about lunchtime. I beetled off to a garden centre to find some interesting outdoor plant pots.  Two that took my fancy were really meant for hanging on a wall. I had other plans  One was quite like a Roman amphora.

Amphora Plant pot
Flowers very late this year, weeds and grass growing vigorously

The pots were planted up and left to adjust to their new surroundings overnight. These plants looked quite settled and hopefully,  are raring to grow.

This morning I was busy and  also for a large part of this afternoon.  By mid afternoon clouds obscured summer skies, but, it remained warm though very, very windy. It’s sods law isn’t it. The neighbour’s sheep were sheared today, when the shearers had finished the temperature dropped. Then it rained!
I nipped out to snap pictures quickly in a bit of a rain lull. This container appears to lean forward, which, perhaps is what it might do anyway, if it were attached to a wall. The raindrops show up well  :)


Westerly winds are really blowing the ‘Million Bells’ plant to one side. I hope it will take firm root, spread and trail over the sides of the pot, if the weather gives it half a chance.  Should the winds persist, I might have to think about moving the plant pot to a more protected spot.  At present the pot is quite high up and resting against a wall. 


Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you've had some summery weather at last. Both those pots should look really good once the plants have grown and flowered.
Happy gardening. Flighty xx

ZACL said...

Hi Mr F,

This morning was very pleasant, then in came a haar with a dramatic cooling. It's has just started raining heavily, expected to do so overnight.

I'm hoping the planted pot flowers will decorate the pots.