Sunday, November 27, 2016


Black Friday, (an American import) Cyber Monday, Special Loyalty Event, you name it, someone has thought of a myriad of catch-all retail hooks to bolster up consumer spending.

Online, where a high percentage of shopping is done in the UK, according to retailers with an online presence, there is more than a flurry of business; it sounds like there is enough shopping on one day, on Black Friday, to stabilise the retail accounts  for the year!  This is according to those in the know, like accountants and economists.

Basking Shark-Cetorhinus Maximus

I have yet to be convinced that there are mountains of real bargains sitting waiting for an impatient internet shopping population, who have  waited for the one day in the year when we are told 'it' is all there for the taking. I did my own little pot survey, (not at all scientific) by choosing a couple of things some months ago that I was interested in buying.  No doubt, there are stock clearances, no different from any sale at any other time of year.

Scanning around the comparison sites on the internet for the two things I was following was very dull. The big boys definitely did not play ball. I was offered a similar product once, nominally cheaper and definitely not of interest. The best I could say was, for the exact products some prices, not all, stayed static. With the current political insecurities, this may well change. I would expect all prices to rise.

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