In our gales of about wind force 8 today, Royal Mail delivered our post. The poor post woman who arrived on our doorstep, (to my surprise) looked quite dazed and battered; she said it was really difficult to hold on to the post she was carrying and delivering.
The seas rage, the winds blast, scream, push and shove; it knows no chivalry. The lifeline ferries to the islands take shelter and stay in port. There will be no deliveries of the everyday commodities to the islands that we take for granted. There has been little let up in the gales and flooding this week causing transport and domestic chaos in many parts of the UK.
In view of the extreme weather conditions the management of Tesco Limited, have chartered a Hercules Transport plane to make four deliveries of commodities this weekend, to the storm bound Shetland islanders. I am not aware of any other major food and goods retailer that has a presence on the island, who would do this.
Well done, them. It's refreshing to see one of the big companies doing something for the community.
I agree Jennyta. Yet,a Mr Grumpy, (not any relative of mine) said "They wouldn't do it unless there was something in it for them." I nearly told him where to go, and with Scrooge.
Some companies do more than the public are ever aware of.
I can imagine about the poor post woman. How lucky you must feel staying home.
Now I'm back in Los Angeles, but it's been as cold as Yokohama.
Thank you for explaining about gale and the force. We had at least 8 in Yokohama a number of times while I was there. Many parked bicycles collapsed on to the pavement when that happened.
Keep warm and take care of yourself, and Merry Christmas and Happy new year.
How good that you are getting supplies even though the weather is difficult. Best wishes for the holiday.
Hello Keiko,
The weather is very strange now, wherever you go.
The poor Shetland Islanders had storm force winds up to 11 yesterday. The mainland winds grew to about gale force 9 with continuing, but, horrendous rainfalls overnight.
Thank you for your seasonal wishes. I heartily wish the same for you!
Well done Tesco!!! Wonderful to hear that supplies will get through.
The weather is worrying at the moment, the UK seems to flooding on a regular basis now, I hope it's not going to stay that way.
Our front garden has become a pond and the wind is screaming...
All the very best to you and yours, have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year.xxxxx
Hello Shimon,
I am am relieved I do not live on The Shetland Isles. The mainland was/is bad enough. The winds became really fearsome overnight, close to storm force. The endless amounts of rainfall have saturated the ground. The water table is extremely high.
Slightly belated Chanukah wishes to you Shimon. I do enjoy festivals of light, wherever they are, at this time of year.
Hi PlantPot,
Our garden produced a rivulet, which grew overnight with the volumes of rain that fell. What a wild night! We got some sandbags from the authority to back up our own measures at the lower end of our house.
As you say, there is an awful lot of flooding in places where you never heard of it previously, and in those places at risk of flooding. I do hope there will be some let up in the extreme weather.
I heartily reciprocate your good wishes PP, and have a good 2013! xxxx
I'm not a fan of Tesco but when they, or indeed any other company, pull the stops out like to this to help communities then I applaud them.
As for ones who just shrug and do nothing they deserve a kick up the backside. Flighty xx
Hello Mr F,
I could not agree with you more. A few kicks up the backsides might be useful, for reinforcement. I know many people do not like Tesco; on the business front,they do what any other large retailer would do, and some do.
However what Tesco does in small rural communities has gone unnoticed. They provide a level of service that was lost when businesses like Safeways closed down and, they were prepared to serve the islands as well, others would not.
As a Tesco shareholder, I am very proud of them, and I shall write and say so. Even here in sunny S W France we keep about two weeks worth of food in store at this time of year. I admire your courage. Cro.
Hi Cro,
Living in SW France must have its weather moments too.
I do not think I could sustain the courage that the islanders have to. I can just about manage what we have here where I live. It has been described as an island on the mainland, as we are pretty cut off at times, but, we are on the mainland.
I reckon Tesco could do with some recognition for good work. Even when the goods flights were being highlighted on the news, the effort was described as that of "a retailer". It could have been at request or intentional to avoid free advertising of a brand name.
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