Friday, May 14, 2010


"Be careful what you wish for".  This mantra, stated so many times during the recent political campaign in Britain, was another manner in which the broadcast and written media tried to apply influence ( fear) over the voting public.

I freely admit that I have, with variations, got what I wished for. 


The post was written on the 18th April 2010.  By then, quite early into the final stage of the election campaign, I was totally anti media, in particular, the written media ' barons' who had let it be known in no uncertain terms that they intended to be the king makers.  They are domiciled out of the UK, they influence editorial choice and thought, and think they have the right to create our government to suit themselves.  Something very similar can be said about the global bankers. This is governing without responsibility.  I, for one, was not going to use my precious vote for that! 

It is far too early to assess how the new coalition government in Britain will perform, (some call it progressive government).  Our voting system has not lent itself to shared politics, apart from in war-time.  We have some idea of what the initial intentions are, but they are only intentions.  There are plenty more of those.  It will be a case of wait and see, wait and see who is praised and blamed for any unpopular intention or policy that is actioned or imposed. In the present financial situation, there are likely to be many budgetary constraints imposed.  There is a generation that has not experienced a recessive economy, for very many of them, it will be a very painful experience.  It won't be much fun for the rest of us either, we are bracing ourselves.  Sadly, there are still the 'lost generations' of previous recessions who they will join. There are people out there, who see the impending cuts,  the likely tax-raising measures, as an opportunity. 


Anonymous said...

my opinion tends to be that we should expect the very worst and thus allow the tiniest opportunity of finding ourselves pleasantly surprised one day.

more dark days ahead, i fear.

ZACL said...

I agree with you; the politicians are attempting the same psychological trick,it might blow back.

Austerity is developing.

Anonymous said...

...and if the next few years are that awful then i'm sure each half of the coalition will try to spin the blame onto the other!

Anonymous said...

It'll certainly be interesting over the coming months, especially once they're back in parliament.
I'd actually like them to do well just to show the media, and much of the public, just how wrong they were.
They've been left a right mess which in trying just to start putting right they're bound to be blamed for everything! Flighty xx

ZACL said...

Hi Ax,

Wait for the media to play their blame games; they can now do it X 2 with back-up.

The experience in New Zealand where something similar happened, was that the smaller party (Liberals) have not regained their previous position and live with the aura of blame, and perhaps the backlash for joining a perceived unholy political alliance. I do not know who the coalition partners were and what they live with.

ZACL said...

Hello Mr F.

Like you, I would like to see a genuine refreshing of the political scenery and not for five political minutes. Politicians, politics and the media being what they are, I am less than confident about the presentation and perceptions that will be 'expertly' analysed and imparted.

There is perceived to be a less than capable new Chancellor,his back-up appears to be more publicly acceptable, has the strength of big business experience behind him, not just a one career person (politics) by all accounts. It could be interesting.