Friday, May 10, 2013


On the 8th April this year I sent a package to Vienna, Austria.  The address, country and post code were all clearly typed in a large font on to a very large label, (half of an A4 sheet of paper) which was securely taped to the correspondence with clear wide sellotape, from top to bottom and side to side.  The package was sent with proof of posting, not that it means much after leaving these shores.  It just  gives me a piece of paper to wave about proving that I am not out of my mind, if, or, when, I have to try and retrieve anything: it confirms that I did pay postage for sending something through the postal system. 

The package should have arrived between five and seven days after posting.  Several enquiries of "have you received the package we sent?" from week two, on, elicited a negative reply. There's only so long you can keep asking, so, we stopped.

A text arrived on the 8th May, (a month later) telling us the package had arrived at last.  Not only had it got to its had been sent via Jakarta!!!!! 


Anonymous said...

That's what happens when they don't teach geography in schools these days ;)

A delightful old gentleman rang our doorbell yesterday and proffered a parcel - says that he sometimes gets stuff meant for us, despite clear addressing and postcode. However, the next road in a Devon town hardly competes with Djakarta for glamour.

ZACL said...

If I send any more post to that part of Europe, I think I might write the city and country in three, or, possibly four languages, hoping upon hope that the belt and braces approach may elicit comprehension from someone along the postal route.

Anonymous said...

At least it got there, even though it was sent the scenic route! Flighty xx

ZACL said...

Hello Mr F,


Would that we could all travel global scenic routes for the price of postage.

Snowbird said...

By heck....I WISH I had been that parcel!!! xxxx

ZACL said...

Wouldn't that have been a brilliant experience, Snowbird....mind you, I don't what it would feel like being shoved into parcel bags and thrown into the hold of a plane, or, even the bowels of a ship. The package was stamped airmail though.

I saw the evidence of the red stamp on the package, saying 'Jakarta'.

Rebb said...

This reminds me of a time I shipped a small package to Algeria. It was a book that never arrived. I had my receipt, but what good that was. Anyway, I didn't try to resend.

Here in the U.S., it always boggles my mind how most of the time it seems mail comes and goes, reaching its destination, though not as heavily as in many years past when we didn't rely on technology quite as much.

ZACL said...

Mailing has taken on a much broader meaning today, Rebb. Much of what we cannot send via the internet still has the mailing option, I am pleased to say.

It is disappointing, when, having gone to all the work of packaging then getting to the post office to pass your gift into the safety of their service, it disappears, never to be heard of again. Fortunately, just as we thought we were in that unhappy position, we heard that the package had been AWOL working its way around the world, the Antipodes in particular!