Tuesday, May 19, 2015


 Well, I did not need much to motivate me to get rid of a pile of ironing. It is wet, really wet outside. What makes it bearable is, the Meteorological map showed that most of us in the U.K have got the same, though not as cold :
Excess Of Rainfall
but .......yesterday we had an unexpected break in weather scene, it was dry with bright skies. We thought we were in for a full week of rain in its various forms. I made the most of the sunshine and afternoon warmth. So much so, I forgot an appointment with our very good local podiatrist.  Two hours later, abjectly apologetic, I paid the amount required for the missed appointment. She made me feel better by thanking me for being so prompt.  A little bit of me feels guilty, but, if I am honest, enjoying the sunshine and warmth was worth it.
Yesterday's Garden Visitor
Sun and warmth are irregular events where I live, they have therefore, become  precious commodities. In my other life, I would never have viewed either as any kind of commodity because sun and warmth went together like a horse and carriage. There were stable seasons. I could turn off the heating for about four months.

 Blue Cockerel Trafalgar Square - London
There was warm spring weather; hot summers and pleasant autumns, also, Indian summers. I really liked that seasonal close. The air was balmy with pleasant temperatures, there was a slowing down of nature. Most people had a last gasp for the year wearing their bright lightweight clothes.  In all those months of the year, there was always the assurance of some enjoyable weather when  you had time off, to either potter in a garden, potter on a balcony, or, with pots on windowsills.  You could walk in open spaces, like parks. It was possible to flop into deckchairs, buy an ice-cream, be decadent with a candy floss. People stood or sat outside cafes and bars.  It is and was another world.

In my present life, the seasons merge; there is a long winter, which merges with a kind of spring. You dress warmly for it. Then maybe a summer/autumn arrives. It is difficult to know when to wear many layers, or, just a couple. Wind chill can catch you out.  Do I wear a cardigan or a lightweight jacket, or, a warm coat? Like the farmers, I study the weather forecasts and check them daily, sometimes, several times a day. 

It is late May now and the weather has not  significantly warmed up, (8 degrees Celsius if we're lucky today). Earlier this month I bought some pert and pretty coloured pansies and planted them in garden pots, just to introduce a bit of colour. I'm not sure they'll thrive, they have signs of wind burn.

With the unexpected warm weather day yesterday, I unpacked my new pink gardening hand tools, ( a gift). I did not want to waste time looking for rakes and spades. I got on with some gardening. It might be my only suitable gardening day for some time. I attacked the clumps of grass growing where they were not meant to be, pulled up all sorts of weeds while trying to avoid self-seeded seedlings;  that was a bit of a fiddle. I discovered some new plants growing, my Primulas are increasing in number. I think the groups of pointed, purple tinged leaves might be the Alliums that did not show last year.  Bluebells will flower soon, the Euphorbia planted last year has doubled its branches at the end of which, are fabulous fiery flowers.  My Lupins have prolifically reproduced and the Crocosomia leaves look strong. Yay!
Primula Candelabra Developing


zalandeau said...

It makes me quite sad

Anonymous said...

I am intrigued to know where you lived before - France? Italy? You have to be tough to weather Scotland. You seem to have got some useful gardening done. May the sunny days be many!

Snowbird said...

I loved the pics here, especially the waterfall and Kelpie!
I do feel for you weather wise, your spring and summer always seem so far behind ours and ours are bad enough in recent years, it's disconcerting never to know what to wear, at the moment we seem to be having three seasons in a day. I really think the climate is steadily changing though.....here's to some sunshine for you and your garden bursting into life.xxx

ZACL said...

Salut Zalandeau,

Sad, I am sorry to make you feel sad.

ZACL said...

Hi Gilly,

I am Londoner. Even counting the years I have lived in Scotland, I spent more years of my life in the South East and London.

I do hope the Season starts doing something nice.

ZACL said...

Hello Snowbird,

I took the waterfall pic a few days ago. It was The fullest flow of it I had seen for many a long time. There is so much water lying on the ground, fields have lochens where there should be grazing. Thank you for the your compliments on the pix.

The day I took the Kelpie photos, end of April, it was bitterly cold, we'd just had sleet, hail and snow falls. You wouldn't think so looking at the sky in the picture, would you.

Weather affects mood, a nice bright warm day, even a few of them, would be most welcome. xxx

Anonymous said...

A most enjoyable post and lovely pictures. Tuesday was an all seasons day here with hale, heavy showers, sunshine and wind.
It's not been much warmer here in London for much of May. Let's hope we all have better weather soon. Flighty xx

ZACL said...

Hello Mr F,

I'm a surprised to learn that temperatures where you are have been suppressed, by now, there is usually an 8-10 degrees difference!

I hear for us, it is all down to the Westerly winds, plus the excessive snowfalls there were in North America turning into fresh water which lies atop the salty Atlantic seas, keeping it cool.

I am happy you enjoyed the pictures and the post. xxx

Snowbird said...

Gosh, sleet, hail and snow at the end of April....is that normal for your climate?xxx

ZACL said...

Hi Snowbird,

I would not say all those wintry flings were ''normal' for the end of April. I have seen signs of snow on high ground about that time of year,end of April, conversely, it is usually more spring like on low ground.

We've had a poor couple of months, for what should be a bit of warming up time. The main reasons given for what is being flung at us is a)westerly winds, b) also, additional cooling effects caused by the fresh water (melted snowfalls from N America - lots of it) lying on the surface of the Atlantic. I guess there are other elements in the mix too. It was a bit of a psychological and physical shock being hit with icy winds and the rest of the horrid impact stuf that came with the wind. xxx